Huddersfield Star Wheelers hill climb series 2024
Visualising my local cycling club's annual hill climb series (which in no way represents the pain of participating!)
Ben Childs
Digital designer and data visualiser
21st Feb: Currently focussing on...Account management, design leadership, spreadsheet wizardy and occasional data visualisation
Visualising my local cycling club's annual hill climb series (which in no way represents the pain of participating!)
A comparison of road cycling's three big race winners since 1903.
By enabling happy and engaged customers to look after themselves, a company's customer services function can focus on customers who have problems or are considering cancelling their service.
A research proposal for analysing social media data to predict user behaviour using Gephi, a network analysis tool.
Understanding a few SASS features of the GOV.UK Prototype Kit to more quickly create better and more compliant prototypes.
Learning to work with Nunjucks and Express JS to quickly start prototyping digital public services.
Considering how a digital identity is constructed on Strava through the continual act of uploading representations of physical activities.
Considering whether the multi-sensory behaviour known as the McGurk effect is also evident in the use of digital interfaces.
Increasingly, data is never deleted but maybe it should diminish over time, and perhaps in doing so could generate new insights, better product engagement and increased ad revenues.
Considering how our digital behaviour is represented as data and how that data is used to inform our outcomes.
Investigating the shortcomings of sentiment analysis and considering improved future techniques.
Considering freedom of expression in digital political campaigns and how the democratic process is affected.